Sayer Complementary Health

Homeopathy & Reiki Courses in Burnham-on-Crouch, Essex


    This on-line course introduces you to homeopathic remedies that you can use to treat minor ailments and expand your knowledge of homeopathy. Detailed notes available in pdf format. Your investment - just £125.00
    If you are looking for a career in complementary health as a homeopathic practitioner then this three-year part-time course is ideal. Part-time attendance, home study and Zoom will form the basis of your learning schedule. You will embrace the healing principles of homeopathy along with a wide range of homeopathic remedies. The course includes the study of anatomy and physiology, pathology and disease and how to select homeopathic remedies suitable to the individual needs of the person seeking help with their health issues. Study assessments take place on a continual basis ensuring that as a trainee homeopath you reach your full potential and the high standard of a homeopathic practitioner by completion of the course. Course fees can be paid by instalments.

    Successful completion awards you the qualifications Dip Hom SCH and enables you to join a homeopathic register. For more details and to ensure the course is suitable for you, please get in touch by either email or phone 01621 730664
    To learn Reiki all you need is to have an open mind.
    Reiki gives you the benefit of feeling peaceful and serene and being more able to cope with everyday stresses.
    A little Reiki self-healing on a daily basis helps you to fee more positive.
    Reiki is not connected to any religion.
  • REIKI 1
    Your Reiki First Degree training course (15-16 hours) of pre-course reading is the equivalent to two days training. After you have studied the multimedia pack you will attend your one-day course (dates below) and we will focus on energy work. You will receive 'connection' rituals (known as Reiju empowerments) as well as being guided through the giving and receiving of Reiki to yourself, friends and family.
    Reiki 1
    Please phone for dates and availability

    - Your investment £160.00

    The course is subject to a 50% non-refundable deposit with the remaining 50% due on attendance
  • REIKI 2
    Once you have taken your first degree Reiki you will need time to practice and work with the energy and a recommended time frame between Reiki 1 and Reiki 2 is about two months but there is no hurry to achieve this level.
    Your Reiki 2 study pack (12-13 hours) is equivalent to two days training.
    Now that you have a solid foundation from Reiki 1 moving on to Reiki 2 will give you the opportunity to enhance your self-healing, your well-being and spiritual development. You will find your Reiki treatments become more intense, learn about distant healing and explore the power of intention and intuition, all of which will strengthen your connection to the Reiki energy.

    Please phone for dates and availability.

    Reiki 2 - Your investment £190.00
    The course is subject to a 50% non-refundable deposit with the remaining 50% due on attendance
    Reiki Master/Teacher - Your investment £497.00
  • Please phone for dates and availability

    Courses are limited to four people per course as this allows more time to understand and work with the Reiki energy and gives us time to focus on your experiences after each attunement or empowerment. At the end of the course the appropriate Reiki certificate is awarded.

    The course is subject to a 50% non-refundable deposit with the remaining 50% due on attendance

    Please call 01621 730664


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